With release V2.4.8, to keep more in line with default Gravity, there is new option for the Success Handler Message.
Setting/Form Settings/Specific Form/Submit Success Handler will give you three options. This document will only cover the first option - Success Message (CLICK HERE for other Options)
When choosing "Success Message"the user will receive a message when the form has been submitted. The field holds the success message.
There is an option to "Hide Form on Submit Success" If you do NOT choose this option, the form will submit and a refreshed form will display with Success Message. If you DO choose this option, the form will be hidden and ONLY the Success Message will display.
We have included an example of using a link within the message so that there is flow for the user to leave the message:
Thank you, your form has been encrypted to protect your privacy and submitted successfully! <br> <a href="../BLAH">Click Here to return to BLAH</a>
Here is Setting/Form Settings/Specific Form/Submit Success Handler with new field option:
Here is example with Hide Form on Submit Success ON. The CSS on this testing site has the message set to very large and Green. Notice that all that displ(ays is the message
Here is example with Hide Form on Submit Success OFF. The CSS on this testing site has the message set to very large and Green. This this example, the BLAH Link was removed. Additionally, the window has been decreased to better demonstrate what the user will see. Notice that the form is displayed (refreshed) with the Success Message.